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The Reimagining of Urban Spaces
The Reimagining of Urban Spaces

The Reimagining of Urban Spaces

pubblicato da Springer Nature Switzerland

Prezzo online:
-10 %

Over the last decades waves of deindustrialization have swept across European countries leaving potential consequences across cities, regions, and countries. Once prosperous and advancing communities have suddenly found themselves in need to search for new development models and ways to secure their social sustainability and urban functioning. This book explores the future of cities and regions in a post-industrial world. In particular, it looks at the socio-spatial implications of industrial transformation on urban change from demographic, educational, and environmental perspective; assesses potential ways move urban landscapes forward in a post-industrial society; and looks for methods of promoting environmental sustainability in a post-industrial landscape. Featuring insights and findings from research and experiences of The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition (UNIC) member universities, this book is not only beneficial for academic and scholars, but also provides practical guidance to policy makers and practitioners.

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The Reimagining of Urban Spaces

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