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The Repair Shop: Crafts in the Barn - Elizabeth Wilhide - Jayne Dowle
The Repair Shop: Crafts in the Barn - Elizabeth Wilhide - Jayne Dowle

The Repair Shop: Crafts in the Barn

Elizabeth Wilhide - Jayne Dowle
pubblicato da Octopus Publishing Group

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Disponibile in 8-10 giorni. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
68 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

The second specially photographed book from the BBC's Top Ratings Hit The Repair Shop, in which theexperts explain the importance of heirloom restoration crafts.

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Generi Home & Garden » Antiques & Collectables » Crafts & Hobbies

Editore Octopus Publishing Group

Formato Hardback

Pubblicato 12/10/2023

Pagine 192

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781914239656

0 recensioni dei lettori  media voto 0  su  5

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The Repair Shop: Crafts in the Barn

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