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Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it's not true...

When small-time crook Johnny Waygood, doing time for a crime he didn't commit, is unwittingly caught up in the escape of a band of cartel gangsters from a prison bus in the Mojave Desert, he seizes his chance and runs.

Runs into even worse trouble when he crosses paths with the beautiful Sloane Atkins, who hits him with a crazy scheme: she wants Johnny to assume the identity of her recently-deceased Hollywood screenwriter boyfrienda dead ringer for Johnnywho was about to come into a fortune of money.

Add into the mix a psycho bookie who is owed a whack of cash by the dead man, the bookie's one-time porn star girlfriend who dreams of her freedom, and his stone-killer enforcer who dreams of the girlfriend, and you have a recipe for suspense and mayhem shot through with dollops of black humor, set in the wild, wild world of La La Land.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Narrativa di Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir , Romanzi e letteratura » Avventura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Pulp Master

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 15/07/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798201640187

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The Rewrite

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