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The Rookie Mom's Handbook

Heather Gibbs Flett - Whitney Moss
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-18 %

Bookstores are full of activity books for babies and toddlers, but The Rookie Mom's Handbook is the only one designed exclusively for first-time mothers. Here are 250 enjoyable activities to help rookie moms maintain their individuality and boost their confidence about leaving the house, socializing, and doing things they've always liked to doeither with or without baby.

Inspired by the popular blog, this handbook offers bite-sized activities organized according to the baby's age. Some are crafty, some are adventurous, and some simply help get a meal on the table.

Full of lively advice and adorable illustrations, The Rookie Mom's Handbook is the perfect reminder that there's more to life than dirty diapers and 3 a.m. feedings!

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Famiglia e Figli » Gravidanza, parto, puericultura » Consigli per i genitori , Salute Benessere Self Help » Maternità , Politica e Società » Donne » Maternità

Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/06/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781594746970

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The Rookie Mom

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