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The Rustler of Wind River

pubblicato da Reading Bear Publications

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The Rustler of Wind River is the classic story of cattle grazing versus farmer-settlers. Fences and water access lead the local cattle baron, Saul Chadron, to hire a veteran killer, Mark Thorn. Chadron wants Thorn to kill members of a settler community, including their leader, Alan MacDonald, who Chadron labels as a "rustler" who steals land and cattle. Complicating the issue is Nola Chadron, the daughter of Saul, and Francis Landcraft, daughter of the local Army post commander, both of whom are interested, romantically, in MacDonald.

George Washington Ogden (1871-1966) was a newspaperman who worked as an editor for the Kansas City Star, the Chicago Tribune, and various Munsey publications. He was also a prolific writer of western novels. Born in Kansas, Ogden left home at 17 and never looked back. His adventures and experiences in the western states and territories gave him the background he needed to write authentic tales of the Old West (

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Editore Reading Bear Publications

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/12/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003624708

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The Rustler of Wind River

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