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The School of Seers Expanded Edition

Jonathan Welton
pubblicato da Destiny Image, Inc.

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-20 %

More insightmore depth!

Three new chapters and a small group study guide round out this expanded edition of an already comprehensive guide on how to see into the unseen realm!

The School of the Seers is the how-to guide for seeing into the spirit realm. With the addition of three new chapters, including a small group study guide, this bestselling book is sure to excite readers worldwide.

As a teacher and seer himself, author Jonathan Welton raises the standard for walking in wisdom, character, and power. Carrying a revelatory forerunner anointing, he imparts fresh new understanding and Kingdom perspectives for every believer.

You can activate the seer gift in your life knowing the vital keys from Scripture to:
  • See with your spiritual eyes
  • Recognize what may be hindering your discernment
  • Access divine secrets
  • Steward heavenly revelation
  • Truly worship in Spirit and Truth
  • Understand meditation, impartation, and so much more
The School of the Seers Expanded Edition demystifies a mystical subjectgiving you the keys to an exciting lifetime of spiritual, Jesus-centered enlightenment!

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo

Editore Destiny Image, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/03/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780768487329

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The School of Seers Expanded Edition

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