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The Science of Education - Scientific American
The Science of Education - Scientific American

Audiolibro The Science of Education

Scientific American
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

Prezzo online:

The science of education is elusive. Educators, academics, and scientists have struggled with issues like how to make learning approachable yet challenging, what to include in the curriculum and when, what the optimal class size is, and so on. In this collection, we explore the many ways that learning is also a scientific process and offer the latest theories of teaching and learning.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:55.00

Pubblicato 06/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781094080710

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The Science of Education

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