In the cradle of civilization, rocked by the waters of the blue Aegean, lies the tiny, barren island of Kalymnos. It is cloaked in antiquity and rich with the vibrant life of a proud and passionate people who have stubbornly endured the ravages of man and nature for three thousand years. And yet Kalymnos is dying, its means of survival crushed beneath the juggernaut of progress.
Here is a moving story of this doomed, enchanted island, of a strong man and a strange, haunting woman who lived there, of a tormented girl who fled there, and of a wanderer who came, seeking...
It is a story of unique power and simple splendor, a fiction rooted deep in truth.
"...stirring...It is an elemental story of the raging sea and the rocky land, of the fundamental urges of man and woman...a story of great beauty and surging excitement..."Boston Herald
"...what they have seen, heard, felt in Kalymnos...make a vivid story, written as modern painters paint, not lingeringly, nor sentimentally, but with great splashes of significant color..."New York Herald Tribune
"...a lyrical and rugged account...of a virile race, almost pure descendants from the men who once sent their war galleys to ancient Troy..."Springfield Republican
"...a powerful and sad, beautifully written tale."Newark News
"This is stark, brutal fiction based on fact. The dynamic, incisive and beautiful prose is worthy of a Hemingway..."Grand Rapids Herald
"Kalymnos as a place is most effectively presented, with a fine feeling for wind and weather, sea and sky, and a sustained brightness of natural detail. Also, the collective life of the islanders is very convincingly treated, with understanding and concern."Chicago Tribune