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The Secret, Book & Scone Society

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Kensington Books

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First in the mystery series from the New York Times-bestselling author: "Anyone who loves novels that revolve around books will savor this tasty treat."Library Journal (starred review)

A quirky club in small-town North Carolina holds the keys to health, happiness, friendshipand even solving a murderall to be found within the pages of the right book

Strangers flock to Miracle Springs hoping the natural hot springs, five-star cuisine, and renowned spa can cure their ills. If none of that works, they often find their way to Miracle Books, where, over a fresh-baked "comfort" scone, they exchange their stories with owner Nora Pennington in return for a carefully chosen book. That's Nora's special talentprescribing the perfect novel to ease a person's deepest pain. So when a visiting businessman reaches out for guidance, Nora knows exactly how to help. But before he can keep their appointment, he's found dead on the train tracks.

Stunned, Nora forms the Secret, Book, and Scone Society, a group of damaged souls yearning to earn redemption by helping others. To join, members must divulge their darkest secretthe terrible truth that brought each of them to Miracle Springs in the first place. Now, determined to uncover the truth behind the businessman's demise, the women meet in Nora's cozy bookstore. And as they untangle a web of corruption, they also discover their own courage, purpose, and a sisterhood that will carry them through every challengeproving it's never too late to turn the page and start over

"Adams kicks off a new series featuring strong women, a touch of romance and mysticism, and both the cunning present-day mystery and the slowly revealed secrets of the intriguing heroines' pasts."Kirkus Reviews

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore Kensington Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 31/10/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781496712394

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The Secret, Book & Scone Society

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