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The Secret Footballer: Access All Areas

pubblicato da Guardian Faber Publishing

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Ever wondered how to build a football club? What a typical match day feels like for the players on the pitch and those behind the scenes? From scouting systems to managing the big names (and their egos), merchandise deals to hotel life, the Secret Footballer takes you into the fascinating world of professional football and shows us the hidden side of a world we think we're familiar with. We get the fights and fornication, the revenge stories and scandals; he profiles the legends as well as the backroom boys and the unsung heroes.
Funny, shocking and always entertaining, this is the Secret Footballer at his most revealing and irreverent yet.

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Generi Sport » Altri sport

Editore Guardian Faber Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/11/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781783350612

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The Secret Footballer: Access All Areas

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