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The Secret Footballer's Guide to the Modern Game

pubblicato da Guardian Faber Publishing

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The bestselling anonymous author is back with the ultimate book to challenge conventional footballing wisdom. This is football gift with a bit of attitude. Perfect for football fans and armchair referees alike.
With his trademark wit, opinion and candour, The Secret Footballer will guide the reader through: The pass - geometry and positioning and intelligence; Fitness; Skills & dribbling; Power & passion; When to listen to your gaffer and when to ignore him; Data and how it is used on the pitch/in transfers; Football academies; Match fixing, diving and other dark deeds; Tunnel vision - what it takes to be a pro; What the pundits say and what they really mean; top 11s (goals to scapegoats, chants to stadiums); 'Bouncebackability' and other words that just aren't acceptable.

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Generi Sport » Altri sport

Editore Guardian Faber Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/11/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781783350636

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The Secret Footballer

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