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The Secret Seaside Escape - Heidi Swain
The Secret Seaside Escape - Heidi Swain

Audiolibro The Secret Seaside Escape

Heidi Swain
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

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Escape to the seaside this summer with the brand new novel from Heidi Swain, the Sunday Times bestselling author of feel-good women's fiction. Think idyllic beaches, refreshing rock pools and breathtaking romance. The PERFECT summer read!

Following a shocking revelation within her family, Tess Tyler is looking to escape her hectic city life and where better to hide than Wynmouth, the seaside town she visited as a child, with its sandy beaches, stunning rock pools and welcoming community. But little does she realise, Wynmouth isn't quite the haven she remembers it to be, and her real life is still threatening to catch up with her . . .

Also returning to Wynmouth is Joe. Having fled over a decade ago after an accident that changed his life forever, he's back and is determined to face his demons. But, like Tess, Joe realises that the town is nothing like he remembers and quickly his arrival brings old tensions to the surface.

As the pair begin to familiarise themselves with the town they once knew, they each realise that the secrets they carry are becoming harder to conceal but will revealing them bring the answers they're looking for? Will Tess and her new friends finally get the second chance they've been hoping Wynmouth will give them?

Readers everywhere are falling in love with Heidi Swain's writing:

'A lovely, sweet, summery read' Milly Johnson

'Wise, warm and wonderful' heat

'A ray of reading sunshine!' Laura Kemp, author of A Year of Surprising Acts of Kindness

'Sparkling and romantic' My Weekly

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Artigianato » Cucito e uncinetto , Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:52.46

Pubblicato 16/04/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781471191510

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The Secret Seaside Escape

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