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A sweeping historical adventure, set in 17th-century Morocco, from the bestselling author of Court of Lions.

Morocco, 1677
The tyrannical King Ismail resides over the palace of Meknes. Through the sweltering heat of the palace streets, Nus Nus, slave to the king, is sent to the apothecary. There he discovers the bloody corpse of the herb man, and becomes entangled in a plot to frame him for the murder.

Meanwhile, young, fair Alys Swann is captured during her crossing to England, where she is due to be wed. Sold into Ismail's harem, she is forced to choose: renounce her faith or die.

An unlikely alliance develops between Alys and Nus Nus, one that will help them to survive the horrifying ordeals of King Ismail's court.

Brimming with rich historical detail and peppered with real characters, from Charles I to Samuel Pepys, The Sultan's Wife is a story of enduring love and adventure.

'Jane Johnson writes the sort of books you want to tell everyone about... I'm addicted' Katie Fforde

'An utterly compelling story' Stuart MacBride

'An irresistible page turner I loved it' Barbara Erskine

'Full of intrigue, deceit, skulduggery and murder' Ben Kane

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Editore Bloomsbury Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/08/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781789545289

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The Sultan

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