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The Summer Fair - Heidi Swain
The Summer Fair - Heidi Swain

Audiolibro The Summer Fair

Heidi Swain
pubblicato da Simon & Schuster UK

Prezzo online:

'An absolutely gorgeous summer tale of love and secrets' RACHAEL LUCAS

Join Sunday Times bestseller Heidi Swain in Nightingale Square for a sunshine and celebration filled summer

Beth loves her job working in a care home, looking after its elderly residents, but she doesn't love the cramped and dirty house-share she currently lives in. So, when she gets the opportunity to move to Nightingale Square, sharing a house with the lovely Eli, she jumps at the chance.

The community at Nightingale Square welcomes Beth with open arms, and when she needs help to organise a fundraiser for the care home they rally round. Then she discovers The Arches, a local creative arts centre, has closed and the venture to replace it needs their help too but this opens old wounds and past secrets for Beth.

Music was always an important part of her life, but now she has closed the door on all that. Will her friends at the care home and the people of Nightingale Square help her find a way to learn to love it once more?

Your favourite authors love Heidi Swain's books:

'A summer delight!' SARAH MORGAN
'A delightfully sunny read with added intrigue and secrets' BELLA OSBORNE
'With heart-warming characters, a gorgeous summer setting, and a great story with secrets aplenty to keep you turning the pages, it's the perfect read to relax and curl up at home with' CAROLINE ROBERTS
'A ray of reading sunshine!' LAURA KEMP
'A lovely, sweet, summery read' MILLY JOHNSON

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Simon & Schuster Uk

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:49.11

Pubblicato 12/05/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781398512894

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The Summer Fair

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