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The Theatre and Its Double (Annotated Edition) - Antonin Artaud
The Theatre and Its Double (Annotated Edition) - Antonin Artaud

The Theatre and Its Double (Annotated Edition)

Antonin Artaud
pubblicato da Alma Books Ltd

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32 punti carta PAYBACK
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A collection of essays that details the author's radical theories on drama, which he saw as being stifled by conservatism and lack of experimentation. It contains the famous manifestos of the 'Theatre of Cruelty', analyses the underlying impulses of performance, and provides some suggestions on a physical training method for actors and actresses.

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Generi Music & Entertainment » Theatre & Drama

Editore Alma Books Ltd

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 13/02/2013

Pagine 160

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781847493323

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The Theatre and Its Double (Annotated Edition)

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