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The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet - Flush w ith Facts

Terry Deary
pubblicato da Scholastic

Prezzo online:
-10 %

The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet is full of horrible facts about the loo.

Read all about how the ancient Romans used sponges on sticks to wipe each other down, and who invented the first flushing toilet. This book is the bog standard guide to loos, flush with facts!

fully illustrated throughout and packed with horrible stories - with all the horribly hilarious bits included

with a fresh take on the classic Horrible Histories style, perfect for fans old and new

the perfect series for anyone looking for a fun and informative read

Horrible Histories has been entertaining children and families for generations with books, TV, stage shows, magazines, games and the brilliantly funny Horrible Histories: the Movie - Rotten Romans.

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The Truly Terrible History of the Toilet - Flush w ith Facts

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