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The Ultimate Management Book - Martin Manser - Nigel Cumberland - Dr Norma Barry - Di Kamp
The Ultimate Management Book - Martin Manser - Nigel Cumberland - Dr Norma Barry - Di Kamp

Audiolibro The Ultimate Management Book

Martin Manser - Nigel Cumberland - Dr Norma Barry - Di Kamp
pubblicato da John Murray Press

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THE ULTIMATE MANAGEMENT BOOK gives you everything you need to be a better manager. It is a dynamic collection of essential skills covering the topics that will help you make a seismic impact upon your performance - faster than you ever thought possible.

If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset.

From managing and motivating people and teams to performance management and appraisals, THE ULTIMATE MANAGEMENT BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success.

Discover the main themes, key ideas and tools you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.

This is your complete course in modern management.

ULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.

(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università , Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Management » Impresa: responsabilità e corporate governance » Tecniche di management » Competizione economica » Studi generali

Editore John Murray Press

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:41.29

Pubblicato 19/04/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781473683884

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The Ultimate Management Book

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