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The Voith-Schneider Propeller as a Model Ship Propulsion System

Kurt Benz
pubblicato da vth - Verlag neue Medien GmbH

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What even the most attentive observer of model ship events or championships might not have noticed so far is the fact that almost no model ships equipped with Voith model propellers are to be seen. This does not only apply to our nation, the actual manufacturing country of this propulsion system, but also in model building circles of other countries nothing positive is to be reported in this respect. In general, it seems to the author, the existence of this drive is hushed up in modeling circles.

The reason is most likely the lack of know how. This is in no way intended to cast doubt on the technical qualities of the model builders, but rather to express the fact that there is still no useful documentation on model Voith-Schneider propellers. A circumstance which is to change with the construction description found in this book. At this point, the author would also like to dispel the widespread opinion that the Voith-Schneider propeller is a "miracle" or even a "witch's work" and can only be understood or produced by model builders with above-average technical skills.

With regard to production, it must be said that it can be made by any reasonably technically skilled model builder.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Creatività e Tempo libero » Modellismo (treni, aerei¿)

Editore Vth - Verlag Neue Medien Gmbh

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/01/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230006070595

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The Voith-Schneider Propeller as a Model Ship Propulsion System

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