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The Walls - Hollie Overton
The Walls - Hollie Overton

The Walls

Hollie Overton
pubblicato da Random House

Prezzo online:

From the author of Sunday Times bestseller and Richard & Judy Book Club pick, Baby Doll**, comes a** riveting thriller with domestic violence, murder and how far one woman will go to protect her family at its core.

'Every bit as gripping as her best-selling debut Baby Doll an addictive and suspenseful thriller'
Sunday Mirror

'Stunning Dark tale**'**

'Will keep you gripped'
Fabulous, The Sun on Sunday

5 stars 'From the author of the stunning Baby Doll comes this dark tale'
HEAT magazine

'A suspense-fuelled read, offering a unique insight into domestic violence'
i Paper

'Baby Doll was dark, twisty and magnificent and [this] builds on her ability to place her female characters in the darkest of situations, only to see them fight their way to a world of survival'


What if murder is your only way out?

Single mom Kristy Tucker works as a press agent for the Texas Department of Corrections handling everything on death row from inmate interviews, to chronicling the last moments during an execution. Her job exposes Kristy to the worst of humanity and it's one that's beginning to take its toll.

So when Kristy meets Lance Dobson, her son's martial arts instructor, she believes she's finally found her happy ending. She's wrong.

Kristy soon discovers that Lance is a monster. Forced to endure his verbal and physical abuse, Kristy is serving her own life sentence . . . unless she's willing to take matters into her own hands. Perfectly poised to exploit the criminal justice system she knows so well, Kristy sets out to get rid of Lance - permanently.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller » Thriller

Editore Random House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/08/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781473536111

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The Walls

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