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Attempted murders, intrigue, and scandal are all in a day¿s work for Eve, one of DC¿s most sought-after escorts. Her admirers include corporate executives, DC cops, and other smitten johns who have seen her dance at the Tahiti men¿s club.

None of them know her secret.

She¿s April Walsh, a housewife and writer who has gone deep undercover to investigate DC vice from the inside.

Her first priority has always been her marriage. Her writing career has had to take a back seat.

That changes when April is assigned to write a story about the sex industry. Her marching orders are to get inside and get the real story.

Exit April, and enter Eve. She¿s a glamorous dancer and escort who won¿t back down from a fight. Her wit and charm make her highly desired at the local men¿s club.

As April embraces her Eve persona, she finds more and more to like about the new life. She enjoys feeling sexy and wanted. She makes new friends: a former call girl, a wise cab driver, and a hard-nosed cop. Will she be able to find her way out, or is April destined to sacrifice herself and her family for the sake of a story?

Will the good wife or the firebrand emerge victorious?

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Generi Non definito

Editore Joseph Clark

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781641841894

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The Walshes

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