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The Wheat and Tares and the Ten Virgins

James Elliott
pubblicato da Xlibris US

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The Wheat and Tares and the Ten Virgins are two parables that are not often talked about by theologians, bishops, and the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. And this is due in part, in my opinion, because there is an obscurity as to who are the tares and the five foolish virgins in those parables that the Lord Jesus is referring to, who are not only in the world, but also who call the Lord Jesus as their Savior. So, the tares that I'm going to put a spotlight on are those preachers and false teachers of God's word be they called Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Elder, Father, Minister, Reverend, Dr. Reverend, Reverend Dr, whatever title these tare preachers and false teachers of God's word prefer. And of the doctrines the devils that have been sown, through them, into the body of Christ, as well as who are the five foolish virgins out of the Ten who got left behind.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Fede, politica e società » Religione, argomenti generali

Editore Xlibris Us

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781664194670

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The Wheat and Tares and the Ten Virgins

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