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The Why Behind the Food Buy

Maria Giovanna Onorati
pubblicato da Egea

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In an era of prolonged uncertainty and profound social change, consumer behaviors have become more cautious, shaped by conflicting demands and polarized narratives. This book delves into the sociological and cultural dimensions that influence consumers' often contradictory attitudes toward food, offering a perspective that extends beyond mere marketing. The book explores current foodscapes by examining why and how consumer patterns and values related to food evolve during periods of transition. It particularly addresses the growing concerns for both the environment and security and their paradoxical polarization, driven by fears amplified by marketers and policies, in a climate of escalating tension between agency and control. Key social theories are revisited to understand the dilemmas surrounding sustainable food choices, including a focus on the ambivalent impact of digital food activism on taste and identity, amid the proliferation of elusive consumer patterns on one hand, and increasing efforts to foster new social ties and consensual consumer behaviors on the other. The result is a comprehensive analysis of the tension between the urgent need for an ecological shift in food consumption and the resistance fueled by escalating social tensions and widespread fears in a world in crisis.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Finanza e Contabilità » Proprietà immobiliari e beni immobili » Management » Tecniche di management

Editore Egea

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788823888920

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The Why Behind the Food Buy

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