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The Wizard Knight

Gene Wolfe
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-19 %

**"Gene Wolfe is the smartest, subtlest, most dangerous writer alive today, in genre or out of it. This book [is] important and wonderful." Neil Gaiman on The Knight

A novel in two volumes, The Wizard Knight is in the rare company of works of fantasy like The Once and Future King, or The Wizard of Earthsea, that drink directly from the wellspring of myth. Now it appears in a single-volume edition for the first time.**

A young man in his teens is transported from our world to a magical realm consisting of seven levels of reality. Transformed by magic into a grown man of heroic proportions, he takes the name Sir Able of the High Heart and sets out on a quest to find the sword that has been promised to him, the blade that will help him fulfill his ambition to become a true heroa true knight.

Inside, however, Sir Able remains a boy, and he must grow in every sense to survive what lies ahead...

"[Wolfe] should enjoy the same rapt attention we afford to Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, and Cormac McCarthy." The Washington Post on The Knight

"Wolfe's version of Faerie is both allusive and elusive, beautiful and fatally glamorous." Tad Williams on The Knight

With a new introduction by Yves Meynard, acclaimed author of The Book of Knights.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fiabe e leggende

Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 11/08/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781250791610

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The Wizard Knight

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