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The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Joan Aiken
pubblicato da Random House

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Can you go a little faster? Can you run?

Long ago, at a time in history that never happened, England was overrun with wolves. But as Bonnie and her cousin Sylvia discover, real danger often lies closer to home. Their new governess, Miss Slighcarp, doesn't seem at all nice. She shuts Bonnie in a cupboard, fires the faithful servants and sends the cousins far away from Willoughby Chase to a place they will never be found. Can Bonnie and Sylvia outwit the wicked Miss Slighcarp and her network of criminals, forgers and snitches?

BACKSTORY: Find out a few things you didn't know about wolves and learn all about the wonderful world of the author.

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Editore Random House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/08/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781448139897

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The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

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