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The Yellow Streak

Valentine Williams
pubblicato da Good Press

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Valentine Williams'Äô "The Yellow Streak" is a gripping exploration of cowardice and human resilience set against the backdrop of World War I. Williams employs a blend of vivid imagery and sharp dialogue to convey the internal struggles of his characters, juxtaposing their personal conflicts with the brutal realities of war. The novel's literary style reflects the influences of early 20th-century realism, inviting readers to grapple with the ethical dilemmas faced by individuals when confronted with the chaos of conflict. Through this lens, the story unravels the complex nature of bravery and fear, illustrating how survival can sometimes emerge from the most unexpected choices. Valentine Williams, who served as a war correspondent during the Great War, draws upon his firsthand experiences and observations to lend authenticity to the narrative. His nuanced understanding of the psychological repercussions of war shapes the characters in "The Yellow Streak," compelling the reader to reflect on themes of honor, guilt, and societal expectations. Williams'Äô insightful examination of human behavior in dire circumstances is both timely and timeless, reflecting the turmoil of his era while remaining relevant to contemporary discussions on duty and morality. Readers seeking a profound contemplation on the nature of courage and its paradoxes will find "The Yellow Streak" an invaluable addition to their literary repertoire. Williams'Äô masterful storytelling and deep philosophical inquiries invite an engagement that resonates far beyond the pages, making it a quintessential read for those interested in the interplay between personal integrity and the specter of war.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Spionaggio » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio » Avventura » Avventura » Romanzi di guerra

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4057664587466

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The Yellow Streak

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