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Their Runaway Bride

Vanessa Vale
pubblicato da Vanessa Vale

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A Bridgewater Ménage Series Prequel!
See how it all begins! Returning from Europe, Ann learns she is to marry a man of her father's choosing once they arrive in New York. Refusing, she runs away, although she can't go far on a steam ship. Only as far as the stateroom of a very handsome soldier.

There's only one guaranteed way to save a woman from a bad marriage, and that's to marry her himself. Ann is surprised Robert will go to such lengths to protect her, but stunned when she won't just be marrying him, but his fellow soldier, Andrew, as well.

Author note: This is a panty melting prequel with two hot soldiers and a woman they vow to protect. This MFM is all about the woman!

Other books in the Bridgewater Menage Series:
Their Runaway Bride- Book .5
Their Kidnapped Bride- Book 1
Their Wayward Bride- Book 2
Their Captivated Bride- Book 3
Their Treasured Bride- Book 4
Their Christmas Bride- Book 5
Their Reluctant Bride- Book 6
Their Stolen Bride- Book 7
Their Brazen Bride- Book 8
Plus... Their Conquered Bride by Grace Goodwin

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa d'ambientazione storica , Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Vanessa Vale

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/07/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788828355687

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Their Runaway Bride

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