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They Bite

Jonathan Maberry - David F. Kramer
pubblicato da Citadel Press

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From two award-winning authors, a collection of horror legends and folklore from the world of supernatural and paranormal storytelling.

The ultimate guidebook to the horrific roots and modern-day expressions of our darkest fears, with contributions from the modern masters of the macabre.

Wary mortals have always lived in fear of monsters that feast on human flesh and blood to energize their evil essence. Every culture and country has its demonsand since earliest times we've tried to capture these supernatural predators through the power of storytelling. But they refuse to be tamed . . .

Join Bram Stoker Award winners Maberry and Kramer on a chilling journey into the nature of the beast. You'll unearth graves and venture into forbidden caves and forests to discover the evolution of supernatural predators throughout centuries of scares. From ancient heroes battling dragons to wary vampire hunters opening cobweb-enshrouded coffins, this compendium of creepy creatures tracks the monsters of our imagination from the whispered fireside tales of old to the books, comics, and films that keep us shivering on the edges of our seats with delight and fascination.

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Generi Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Sociologia e Antropologia, altri titoli

Editore Citadel Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/08/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780806532165

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They Bite

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