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An exquisitely detailed portrayal of settlement Australia in the 1800s, Black McIntosh to Gold spans a century as it traces a family's migration from a fishing village in the far north of Scotland to the goldfields of New South Wales. One after another, members of the McIntosh clan are called to make the journey into unknown territory where dreams of happy families, workable land and perhaps even gold await. Steeped in research and laced with the magic of folklore and the mystery of The Sight, a gift or perhaps, curse of visions passed along the generations, Black McIntosh to Gold is a fully ripened cultural experience of the ancestors. This elegant and dramatic history offers a clear window into the birth of Australia. It gives voice to the country's founders, to determined men, women and children who came to Australia hoping for opportunity and a better life.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia di altri terrritori

Editore Interactive Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781922120816

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Things That Get You

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