This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1901 edition. Excerpt: ... LESSON XV. VALEDICTORY. Intuitive perception of the truth--A mere hint at a great truth--Latent powers developed--The practical side--The occult side--An understanding of the Science of the Mind has an elevating effect--Recognition of the Ego--A literature of froth and bubbles--A few grains of wheat among the chaff--Practical knowledge scarce, but demanded--Advice to seekers after the truth--The small flame within you--A three-fold mighty dynamic force--"I AM" strengthNew resolves, new strength--The Brotherhood of Man--Selfrespect--Do not be imposed upon--Don't be a yellow dog--A short rule of action--Do not misuse your new-found power--A hint at a great truth--Farewell advice--Finis. I feel that those who have followed me through the preceding lessons must have felt within them the intuitive assurance of the Truth contained in the instruction herein given. In a work of this size and character, I can do no more than merely direct the attention of my readers to the great facts underlying the Science of the Mind; to give them a hint of the great Truth; to acquaint them with a few exercises which, if followed conscientiously, will enable them to develop their latent powers. More than this would be beyond the scope of this work, which is intended to give popular instruction in the exercise and use of Personal Magnetism and Psychic Influence in the affairs of every-day life. The average reader will rest satisfied with the "practical" side of the subject, and will not feel inclined to enter into the occult phase. To the few who feel an inclination to pursue the subject still further, who would penetrate behind the veil, there are other sources of information open, which I will be pleased to point out to those who may so request.