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Three Book Sebald Set: The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, and Vertigo

Winfried G. Sebald
pubblicato da New Directions

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-20 %

The masterworks of W. G. Sebald, now in gorgeous new covers by the famed designer Peter Mendelsund

New Directions is delighted to announce beautiful new editions of these three classic Sebald novels, including his two greatest works, The Emigrants and The Rings of Saturn. All three novels are distinguished by their translations, every line of which Sebald himself made pitch-perfect, slaving to carry into English all his essential elements: the shadows, the lambent fallings-back, nineteenth-century Germanic undertones, tragic elegiac notes, and his unique, quiet wit.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Narrativa biografica , Storia e attualità » Biografie » Scrittori » Storia » Contemporanea (1900-oggi) , Storia e Biografie » Storia: specifici argomenti , Viaggi e turismo » Letteratura di viaggio » Scritti di viaggio

Editore New Directions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/11/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780811226998

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Three Book Sebald Set: The Emigrants, The Rings of Saturn, and Vertigo

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