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Three Wonder Plays

Lady Gregory
pubblicato da Good Press

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In "Three Wonder Plays," Lady Gregory delves into the realm of Irish folklore with a masterful blend of lyrical dialogue and vivid imagery. The three plays'Äî"The deliverance of the T°in," "The King's Daughter," and "The Uprising of the May,"'Äîreflect her commitment to reviving ancient Irish tales that resonate with universal themes of love, honor, and destiny. Written during the Irish Literary Revival of the early 20th century, Gregory's work not only reinforces her reputation as a pivotal figure in the movement but also highlights the cultural wealth of Ireland, transforming traditional narratives into engaging theatrical experiences that captivate both the heart and mind. Lady Gregory, an influential playwright, dramatist, and co-founder of the Abbey Theatre, was driven by a passion for preserving Irish culture and heritage. Her extensive work in collecting Irish myths and stories, along with her collaborations with prominent figures such as W.B. Yeats, informed her creation of "Three Wonder Plays." Through her eloquent storytelling, she sought to instill national pride and a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of Irish mythology within her audience. This collection is highly recommended for readers who seek an authentic glimpse into Ireland's mythological landscape, as well as those interested in the dynamics of the early 20th-century theatre. Gregory's ability to blend the poetic with the dramatic makes these plays not only educational but also profoundly moving, inviting readers to explore the layers of identity and heritage that shape the Irish experience.

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/12/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4064066243364

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Three Wonder Plays

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