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The world of Caribdus is drowningcursed by three vengeful Sea Hags. Dozens of island nations have already been destroyed and the races beneath the Shimmering Seas have been ravaged by their drifting ruins and turbulent tides. Through the mists at the center of this catastrophe drift ships bearing strangerstime-tossed visitors from earth. One of these is Kyla Kidd, fast on the trail of her long-lost father Captain William Kidd. But is she seeking to clear his name, or find his much-rumored treasure? And is the treasure merely gold and jewels, or something far more amazing... Kyla's journeys will take her into the heart of the Devil's Crosshome of the Sea Hagswhere she battles betrayal, savage monsters, and horrors beyond imagining in this three-part trilogy written by Tony "Salty Sea Dog" Lee and beautifully illustrated in full-color by Richard "Keelhaulin'" Clark. From the 50 Fathoms roleplaying game, available at

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica

Editore Bookbaby

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/05/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781617926464

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Through the Mists

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