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To All the Boys I've Loved Before - Jenny Han
To All the Boys I've Loved Before - Jenny Han

Audiolibro To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Jenny Han
pubblicato da Recorded Books, Inc.

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To All the Boys I've Loved Before is now a major motion picture streaming on Netflix! What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them.all at once? Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren't love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she's written. One for every boy she's ever loved-five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean's love life goes from imaginary to out of control.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Recorded Books, Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 08:44.16

Pubblicato 14/01/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781980047865

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