For twenty years, Time Out for Women has brought together Latter-day Saint women to inspire, focus, renew, and strengthen each other in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, in this in this collection of standout talks selected from twenty years of Time Out for Women, learn new insights from familiar speakers, revisit your favorite talks, and find greater hope in the Savior. Whether you are a lifelong fan of Time Out for Women or have never had the opportunity to attend, you will be uplifted and inspired by the thoughtful observations, humorous anecdotes, and unique experiences shared by these beloved speakers. Eminently shareable, this book is perfect for those moments when you or those you love need a fresh perspective, a moment of cheer, or to be reminded of the joy that comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Featuring a variety of esteemed contributors, including Kris Belcher, David Butler, Virginia Pearce Cowley, Elaine Dalton, Laurel Christensen Day, Mary Ellen Edmunds, Emily Belle Freeman, Jane Clayson Johnson, Mariama Kallon, Chieko Okazaki, Camille Fronk Olson, Tamu Smith, Anthony Sweat, Wendy Ulrich, Zandra Vranes, Emily Watts, Brad Wilcox, and S. Michael Wilcox.