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To Live Again

Robert Silverberg
pubblicato da Orion

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Paul Kaufmann is dead - but his mind lives on.

And the mind of a financial genius is always in demand.

Mark Kaufmann, the old man's nephew and heir, wants it, to ensure the future of the Kaufmann empire.

The ruthless and self-made John Roditis, Mark's great rival, wants it, to give him the social status he has always lacked.

And Risa, Mark's self-willed and sensual daughter, wants what a mind like Paul's can give, for reasons all her own.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantascienza , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Orion

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/09/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780575106192

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To Live Again

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