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The British Laurence Thomas had said: "The pursuit of speed is the second bestiality of human nature." From the beast Jaguar becoming the champion seven times in Le Mans, to Ferrari as the red devil continuing endless glory in racing, especially in Formula One; from the earth eagle Bentley protecting the queen faithfully, to the old solider Jeep battling in the desert; from the silver devil Rolls Royce's elegant fashion, to Lamborghini's elegant madness, the car brings us not just a violent passion and a great thrill, but also the pride of our own civilization when the V12 cylinder roar like music and the dynamic tire rub intensively with the ground.

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Editore Xinxuetang

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/03/2016

Lingua Cinese

EAN-13 9787546314037

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