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Train Tracks Across Time

Brian Thomas
pubblicato da SL Editions

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Step into the world of trains, where steam engines roared, high-speed rail changed the game, and futuristic designs are shaping the tracks of tomorrow. This book is your ticket to uncover the incredible history and thrilling future of railroads, written just for curious kids aged 7 to 12.

Discover how trains helped shape our world, from early steam-powered locomotives to modern maglev wonders that hover above the rails. Dive into fascinating stories about legendary trains like the Orient Express and the Flying Scotsman, and learn about the role of trains in connecting people, moving goods, and even fighting climate change.

Packed with fun facts, weird and wonderful train tales, and a glossary to decode all those train terms, this book makes the history of trains exciting and easy to understand.

Whether you're a future engineer, a train enthusiast, or just love a great story, this book will inspire and amaze. Climb aboard and explore how trains have evolved into one of the most important and fascinating inventions in human history!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Mezzi di trasporto » Cultura generale » Hobby e tempo libero » Lavoretti e attività manuali

Editore Sl Editions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798348223489

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Train Tracks Across Time

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