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Traitors Gate (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 15)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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A body is found floating towards Traitors Gate - a coincidence, or symbolic?

In the fifteenth novel in the Thomas Pitt mystery series, Thomas and Charlotte must battle against the political games at play in the foggy streets of Victorian London. Perfect for fans of C. J. Samson and Ann Granger.

'Perry's infallible feeling for the historical moment yields animated political views of Victorian society at play' - New York Times Book Review

Someone in the Colonial Office is passing secrets to Germany about England's strategy on Africa. While Police Superintendent Thomas Pitt investigates this matter of treason, he is quietly looking into the tragic death of his childhood mentor, Sir Arthur Desmond. Pitt believes that Sir Arthur was murdered, and that the crime is connected with the treachery in the government. And when the strangled body of an aristocratic society beauty is found floating near lonely Traitors Gate, Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, begin to see clearly the pattern of tragedy and frightening evil that Pitt must deal with, at the risk of his career - and his life.

What readers are saying about Traitors Gate:

'Another excellent Anne Perry'

'She takes you into the heart of Victorian London'

'Five stars'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472218155

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Traitors Gate (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 15)

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