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Travel St. Martin And St. Maarten: Illustrated Guide And Maps (Mobi Travel)

pubblicato da MobileReference

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This illustrated Travel Guide is designed for optimal navigation on eReaders and other electronic devices. It is indexed alphabetically and by category, making it easier to access individual articles. Articles feature information about attractions, landmarks, districts, transportation, cultural venues, dining, history and much more. Addresses, telephones, hours of operation and admissions information are included. The guide is complimented by clearly marked maps that are linked to city attractions, a beach guide, and comprehensive French and Dutch Phrasebooks.TABLE OF CONTENTS:General: About Tourist Offices Facts and Numbers Geography Understand Talk Stay safe SleepPhrasebooks: French: About Intro Phraselist Dutch: About Intro PhraselistMaps: Caribbean St. Martin Dutch South French North BeachesTransport: Get in Get aroundHistory: Chronological ExtendedPolitical Divisions: Dutch half Philipsburg French half MarigotAttractions: Culture and Tourism Do Beaches Shopping Get outEat & Drink: Intro Dutch Side French Side

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Generi Viaggi e turismo » Consigli » Guide turistiche » America latina e Caraibi

Editore Mobilereference

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781605011998

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Travel St. Martin And St. Maarten: Illustrated Guide And Maps (Mobi Travel)

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