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Travelers - Brett Riley
Travelers - Brett Riley

Audiolibro Travelers

Brett Riley
pubblicato da Imbrifex Books

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Falling in love. Evading the authorities. Chasing the rabbits.
Now high school sophomores, the self-styled "Freaks" are back in class in quiet Quapaw City, Arkansas. They grapple with the ordinary challenges of everyday teen life: cliques, cars, and crushes. While everything appears normal on the surface, looks have rarely been more deceiving. A secret government task forcefully aware of the unusual powers the Freaks have acquiredis determined to capture them. Even as the mysterious Baltar Sterne shares ancient wisdom and offers hope, a new menace silently emerges in the woods outside of town. Clever, inexorable, and far more lethal than the Freaks' first superhuman foe, this traveler from another world possesses powers that can only be described as godlike. The Freaks and their town will be tested in horrific ways they are powerless to predict or even imagine.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Luoghi e persone

Editore Imbrifex Books

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:23.09

Pubblicato 02/08/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781945501777

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