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Treasure in the Sand

Jill Monroe
pubblicato da Jill Monroe

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Molly Waiter grew up on the fantastical stories of sunken ships, pirates and lost treasure. As guardians of lost Le Cœur Surveillé the Guarded Heart each young Waiter is warned of the curse: the one who possesses the Guarded Heart will never find happiness in love. Fine with Molly! Ever since the hurricane that tore through Mimosa Key, she's been off love and on the lookout for cash.

Bad boy adventurer Cooper Overton has been hiding a big secret he has half the map leading to Le Cœur Surveillé. He's determined to have Molly's half, too, to save his tanking career. When the sexy beauty turns him down flat, he decides to heat things up with seduction.

Molly's determined to resist the gorgeous modern-day buccaneer. She wants all or nothing, and no sexy usurper is going to horn in on her family's two-centuries-long quest. But how does she get the map from the man whose touch she can't forget? Will she become one more Waiters to lose her heart? Or is Cooper her chance to find the jewel and break the curse?

This story is set in a world based on Roxanne St. Claire's Barefoot Bay Series; it is published with the permission of Roxanne St. Claire. Visit her website for links to her books and more information.

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Editore Jill Monroe

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 27/10/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781386877448

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Treasure in the Sand

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