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Treasured Polish Recipes For Americans

Marie Sokolowski
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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This classic cookbook makes the rich, unique flavors of authentic Polish cuisine accessible to home chef everywhere.

For generations, Treasured Polish Recipes for Americans has been the go-to resource for traditional Polish home cooking. Offering more than just recipes, it takes the reader on a tour of Polish culinary customs, dishes, and traditions. It also gives advice on foundational cooking techniques, ingredients, and sauces enabling you to master and improvise your own Polish-style dishes.

Author Marie Sokolowshi shares old family recipes for Polish Kiebasa, Kapusta wiea na Kwasno (sweet sour cabbage), Kapusta Czarwona (red cabbage), ledzie Marynowane (pickled herring), Czarnina (duck soup) with Kluski, and nearly a dozen varieties of Pierogi and Pczki (fried donuts with filling). With almost 500 recipes, every meal and practically every dish is covered, including a multi-course Christmas dinner.

Accented with Polish folk art, this timeless cookbook offers a charming and satisfying experience for both your stomach and spirit.

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo » Ricette » Pasta e primi piatti

Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/12/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781635616866

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Treasured Polish Recipes For Americans

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