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Triple Jeopardy (Daniel Pitt Mystery 2)

Anne Perry
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The second thrilling mystery in an exciting new generation of Pitt novels, from the New York Times bestselling author and queen of Victorian crime, Anne Perry.

'Anne Perry's Victorian mysteries are marvels of plot construction' New York Times

Daniel Pitt is delighted that his sister is visiting London with her American husband Patrick, a policeman, and their young daughters. But Patrick's trip has another purpose, for which he enlists Daniel's help.

Philip Sidney, a young British diplomat, is accused of robbery and assault in Washington, but he has taken diplomatic immunity and fled to England. The perfect opportunity to obtain justice presents itself when Sidney is accused of a small embezzlement at the British Embassy in the USA, but as Daniel digs deeper into the case it becomes clear that vengeance is involved.

When a witness is murdered in America suspicion of guilt falls on Sidney. But is somebody trying to frame him? And, if so, who and why? Daniel follows a trail that uncovers another murder, and leads from Washington to the idyllic Channel Islands, then to a dramatic scene in court that almost defies belief...

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/09/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472257215

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Triple Jeopardy (Daniel Pitt Mystery 2)

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