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Trve Kvlt - Scott Bryan Wilson
Trve Kvlt - Scott Bryan Wilson

Trve Kvlt

Scott Bryan Wilson
pubblicato da IDW Publishing

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A strip mall heist, a satanic cult, and another lousy shift at a minimum wage jobgrab a #2 with fries and settle in for a hilarious thrill ride! Marty Tarantella has been flipping burgers for 15 years. He has no kids, no hobbies, no love interests, and, essentially, no life. But what he does have is a plan to change everything. Years of watching the daily rhythms of the neighboring stores has given Marty the idea for a perfect heist, but when he accidentally steals a supernatural weapon from a cult full of violent lunatics, the resulting Satanic panic will be way above his minimum-wage pay grade. Nothing can prepare you for the coming of TRVE KVLT, a deliciously horrifying and hilarious new series from SCOTT BRYAN WILSON (Batman: Gotham Nights, Pennyworth) and LIANA KANGAS (Star Wars Adventures, She Said Destroy, Razorblades).

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel

Editore Idw Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/08/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781649361356

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Trve Kvlt

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