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Tunnels of Blood (The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 3)

Darren Shan
pubblicato da HarperCollins Publishers

Prezzo online:
-10 %

Darren Shan and Evra Von follow a trail of corpses and confront a foul creature of the night. A new enemy or Mr Crepsley?

When Mr Crepsley is called upon by the Vampire Generals, Darren and the snake-boy, Evra Von, leave the Cirque Du Freak and travel with him to the city. Whilst there, Darren meets Debbie and his life as a Vampire's Assistant fades into the background until corpses are found. Corpses drained of blood Suspicious of Mr Crepsley's secretive behaviour, Darren and Evra shadow him across the city and confront a creature of the night who may be the end of them all

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Tunnels of Blood (The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 3)

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