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Twenty-One Days (Daniel Pitt Mystery 1)

Anne Perry
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TWENTY-ONE DAYS is the first in an exciting new generation of Pitt novels, featuring Daniel Pitt, by New York Times bestseller and queen of Victorian crime, Anne Perry.

  1. Sir Thomas Pitt's son, Daniel, is in the middle of his first case as a barrister when he is summoned to the Old Bailey for an important trial. Renowned biographer Russell Graves is charged with the brutal murder of his wife and Daniel must assist in his defence.

When the jury finds the accused guilty, Graves insists he has been framed. He is writing a shocking exposé of a powerful figure, revealing state secrets so damning that someone might well have wanted to silence him.

With the reputations of those closest to him at stake, Daniel has twenty-one days to uncover the truth and ensure that an innocent man isn't sent to the gallows . . .

'Anne Perry's Victorian mysteries are marvels of plot construction' New York Times

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/09/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472234117

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Twenty-One Days (Daniel Pitt Mystery 1)

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