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Two-Headed Chicken

Tom Angleberger
pubblicato da Candlewick Press

Prezzo online:
-18 %

In a hilarious, absurdist romp by New York Times best-selling creator Tom Angleberger, a two-headed chicken races across the multiverse to escape a hungry moose.

Anything is possible in the multiverse, including a madcap adventure starring a plucky two-headed chicken. But look outthere's a chicken-hungry moose in pursuit! In this fourth wallbreaking graphic novel, our double-headed hero is chased through dozens of bizarre universes, from an ocean planet with a disturbing mermoose (that you can never unsee) to a world where chickens drive cars, and even to a land covered with . . . pizza sauce? With each BZOOP! of the universe-hopping Astrocap, the only thing to expect is the unexpected. Packed with jokes, quizzes, and games, the two-headed chicken's wacky escapades will remind readers of such favorites as Dog Man and CatStronauts. Absurdist superstar Tom Angleberger makes his original graphic novel debut with this lightning-fast caper that will have readers laughing out loud and eager for each new page.

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Editore Candlewick Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781536228823

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Two-Headed Chicken

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