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Umbrellas and Their History

William Sangster
pubblicato da DigiCat

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In "Umbrellas and Their History," William Sangster meticulously explores the evolution of umbrellas from ancient protective devices to modern-day fashion accessories. Combining meticulous research with a narrative accessible to both scholars and casual readers, Sangster employs a blend of historical anecdotes and cultural context to illustrate how this simple object has influenced societal norms and innovation over time. The book is enriched with illustrations and photographs, offering a visual feast that complements its scholarly rigor, making it a seminal contribution to material culture studies. William Sangster, a noted historian with a keen interest in everyday objects, draws upon his extensive background in social history to breathe life into this seemingly mundane subject. His earlier work in the study of functionality and design in common items underpins this endeavor, showcasing his ability to extract profound meaning from commonplace tools. Sangster's academic journey and personal fascination with the intersections of utility and style undoubtedly inform his insightful perspectives on the umbrella's journey through history. This book is highly recommended for enthusiasts of social history, design aficionados, and anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of how simple objects hold complex meanings. Sangster's engaging prose makes "Umbrellas and Their History" not only informative but also an enjoyable read, inviting readers to reflect on the familiar object that has sheltered us through the ages.

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Editore Digicat

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/08/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 8596547172970

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Umbrellas and Their History

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