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Under the Ice

Gisa Klonne
pubblicato da Bonnier Books UK

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Two disappearances with one deadly connection: the new chilling suspense novel from an internationally bestselling author.

When a young boy and a bird researcher both vanish without a trace, authorities believe their disappearances are unconnected. It's up to detective Judith Krieger to find them.

As she and her colleague Manni Korzilius start their investigation, they uncover a dark network of misunderstood love, bullying, trust and betrayal, which takes them somewhere more sinister than even they could have anticipated.

Drawn into the Canadian wilderness and the realm of a deranged suspect, the investigators feel they're close to finding the missing victims. But is Judith on the right track?

The second title in the European bestselling Judith Krieger series.

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Editore Bonnier Books Uk

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/06/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781786580238

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Under the Ice

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