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Understanding British Culture Through American Eyes

William Drake
pubblicato da William Drake

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British and American people have many cultural characteristics that at first glance may seem similar and even the same, and there are also some rather extreme and interesting differences. Examining the contrasts and similarities between these two fascinating world cultures will give readers more practical and useful knowledge than can be achieved by studying either British or American culture by itself.

Readers worldwide appreciate Professor Drake's friendly, conversational English-language writing style. Never academic or boring, Professor Drake writes about cultural differences with a sense of humor and insight developed over a lifetime of international living and learning.

The author is a retired American professor of international business management at the University of Texas, a world-traveler and experienced expatriate, a valued consultant to multi-national corporations, and a respected author of a 30-volume library on building and managing cross-cultural relationships.

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Generi Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Guide turistiche » Europa

Editore William Drake

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/12/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 6610000139545

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Understanding British Culture Through American Eyes

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